A little help can go a long way.

Sharing our stories. Creating magic. Helping each other.

“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.”– Sally Koch

People want to help other people, and let’s face it—it feels good when we do! There are so many different ways we can help each other, but it can be hard to know what kinds of things to offer. By sharing our stories we gather examples of how to support the people in our lives. Let’s learn together and make the world a kinder place—one small action at a time.

About Practical Kindness

What Will You Find Here?

  • Because that's what kindness is. It's not doing something for someone else because they can't, but because you can.

    Andrew Iskander

  • Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out and help. This week reach to someone that might need a lift


  • To err on the side of kindness is seldom an error.

    Liz Armbruster

  • We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

    Ronald Reagan